Anesthesia Wiki:Privacy policy

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Revision as of 21:22, 8 June 2021 by Danesthesia (talk | contribs)
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At Anesthesia Wiki, we believe your personal information is private and registering an account is not necessary to immerse yourself in the free knowledge movement. With this in mind, you can read or edit any information on this site without registering an account. If you decide to register an account, you may do so without providing an email address or real name. Anesthesia Wiki is committed to never selling your information or sharing it with third parties for marketing purposes.

Anesthesia Wiki is built on public contributions to be viewed by users all across the world. Be aware that any content you add or any change you make on Anesthesia Wiki will be publicly and permanently available. Any contribution made on this site will be publicly and permanently archived in the public interest and the information will be attributed to the IP address or account user name used at the time.

Currently Anesthesia Wiki is managed by one administrator and requires any volunteer editors and contributors in the community to abide by a self-policing mindset. Only administrators are privy to nonpublic information about recent contributions so that they may protect Anesthesia Wiki and enforce policies. If for any reason users violate the information in any way, act inappropriately, use vulgar language, or delete excessive content, the users IP address and/or account can be suspended indefinitely. For the protection of this site, if you do not agree with this Privacy Policy, you may not use this site.